Our long-time landlord customers depend on City Electrical Services to keep their investments in good repair, saving hassle and retaining happy tenants.
We can assist in many ways from regular maintenance, emergency call outs, and ensuring you are meeting electrical compliance with the latest electrical inspection requirements.
It is important for landlords to meet their legal obligations regarding fixed electrical installations by ensuring every fixed electrical installation is inspected and tested by a qualified person at least every five years, as per The Electrical Safety Standards in the Private Rented Sector (England) Regulations 2020. In addition, the Regulations state that a landlord must obtain a copy of the results of the inspection and test within 28 days and retain a copy until the next inspection is due.
As certified electrical installation condition report specialists, City Electrical Services can inspect all electrical installations in rented properties to ensure they comply with new BS7671 wiring regulations, upon completion, an EICR Certificate will be issued. During our visit, we will also check the integrity, functionality, and expiration date of the smoke alarms.